tinybench - v4.0.1
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    Class Task

    A class that represents each benchmark task in Tinybench. It keeps track of the results, name, the task function, the number times the task function has been executed, ...


    • EventTarget
      • Task



    name: string

    The task name

    result: undefined | Readonly<TaskResult>

    The result object

    runs: number = 0

    The number of times the task function has been executed


    • Adds a new handler for the type event. Any given listener is added only once per type and per capture option value.

      If the once option is true, the listener is removed after the next time a type event is dispatched.

      The capture option is not used by Node.js in any functional way other than tracking registered event listeners per the EventTarget specification. Specifically, the capture option is used as part of the key when registering a listener. Any individual listener may be added once with capture = false, and once with capture = true.

      Type Parameters


      • type: K
      • listener: TaskEventsMap[K]
      • Optionaloptions: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions

      Returns void

    • Dispatches a synthetic event event to target and returns true if either event's cancelable attribute value is false or its preventDefault() method was not invoked, and false otherwise.


      • event: Event

      Returns boolean

    • Removes the event listener in target's event listener list with the same type, callback, and options.

      Type Parameters


      • type: K
      • listener: TaskEventsMap[K]
      • Optionaloptions: boolean | EventListenerOptions

      Returns void

    • Internal

      reset the task to make the Task.runs a zero-value and remove the Task.result object property

      Returns void

    • Internal

      run the current task and write the results in Task.result object property

      Returns Promise<Task>

      the current task

    • Internal

      run the current task and write the results in Task.result object property (sync version)

      Returns this

      the current task

    • Internal

      warmup the current task

      Returns Promise<void>

    • Internal

      warmup the current task (sync version)

      Returns void